On the Loom

I have always been fascinated by fiber art and wondered the story behind them, but also found the medium a tad bit intimidating. With some inspiration and encouragement from a friends and artists Rachel Sclare  and Corina's Material Response series, I decided to take advantage of my in-between phase and teach myself how to weave.

Instead of taking classes, I decided to just wing it, self taught and all, and it has been an enriching journey that taught me valuable lessons extending way beyond the art of creating textiles.

Weaving takes time, the journey of self expression through the warp and weft is a meditative process, a place where I can celebrate the juxtapositions between colors and textures (of life). As I went through the motions I discovered the significance of patience, perseverance, and forgiving myself of my mistakes. Every thread intricately intertwined to form a cohesive story, symbolized the importance of unity of all things, good and bad that builds my life's story. And more importantly, appreciate the rejections that come as part of this in-between phase.🙂

For me as an artist , the journey of creating each piece is as important as the final product itself. Surrendering to this new art form and allowing a piece to evolve through fibre has been truly captivating.

Pic below is a piece that was created as part of this journey, inspired by the landscapes of SouthWest America.


Creating Art From the Heart: Designing the Book Cover for 'Dhup Chau' by My Mom.


A Journey of Balance, Wisdom, and Determination