A Journey of Balance, Wisdom, and Determination

I have been practicing yoga since, as far back as I can remember. I have hazy glimpses of stretching it out next to my Mom as a little girl. Growing up in a traditional Hindu household, yoga was not just about the asanas, but a union of the physical, the mental and the spiritual, with the ultimate goal of achieving clarity of thought and discipline of connecting with self.

As a leader I draw constantly from my daily yoga practice, even if all I can manage that day is 7 repetition of Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation). It gives me the mental power to create a ‘quiet space’ to stay creative and innovative.

To me yoga is

Yukti (Reasoning):
To be more aware, allow myself to feel a greater sense of connection, and act kinder towards myself and one another.

Om (the primordial sound that signifies the beginning):
Asanas that look simple turn out to be incredibly difficult, and it can take a lot of practice to master. Yoga reminds me to recognize my limits while simultaneously teaching me to appreciate what I have. I am an ongoing work in progress., but for today I am where I need to be.

Gyan (Wisdom):
As I end my practice with Savasana (corpse pose) I am reminded everyday, that I need to rest and restore . I prioritize commitment, community and health in the workplace. I value team members’ physical, mental and emotional health, as it directly supports employee engagement and individual and team performance.

Agni (Fire / Determination):
Not every Yoga posture is learned easily. It takes determination and steady practice to perfect. I still struggle with the crow pose. While it requires some arm strength, the real challenge is convincing my mind that I can balance my body on both arms. I need to understand where my center of gravity is and how to distribute my weight to balance. Sometimes I fail, but I am back on my mat the next day, trying again.


On the Loom


Artist Mindset: A Catalyst for Innovative Leadership